CateCoin (CATE)
$0.000000 (0.35
฿0.00000000 (-5.24
시가 총액
$10 114 618
거래량 (24시간)
$274 801
59 991 664 433 291 (최대)
57 466 030 781 733 (사용 가능)
CATECOIN is the first Deflationary Decentralized Meme coin with its own real use platform.
Meme creators can earn by posting their work and also but selling their memes as an NFT. Holders earn 2% of every transaction, 15% staking is also available.
Meme creators can earn by posting their work and also but selling their memes as an NFT. Holders earn 2% of every transaction, 15% staking is also available.
3 coins to keep an eye on 👀
다가오는 이벤트와 기술 분석에 기반한 주간 선택 3개 코인을 받아보려면 구독하세요.