16 Aug 2021

Only 1 Token - Portfolio Tracker Updates

The long-awaited Portfolio Tracker is at our fingertips as we have just released the teaser trailer with a release date of the 17th of August. We’re excited to share with you a more in-depth explanation of our vision and roadmap, to achieve our goal in making the most accurate and user-friendly portfolio tracker for the benefit of the whole cryptocurrency space. This tool will be housed at and integrated seamlessly with our current Rewards Tracker.

Portfolio Overview

Track your holdings, their current market price, their liquidity adjusted value and easily trade them on PancakeSwap with a press of a button! When viewing your portfolio, you can select any of your tokens and it will direct you to the info/rewards page for that token. This will facilitate a more user-friendly navigation through your portfolio and their respective reflection rewards rather than searching for each token manually. Furthermore, additional features such as viewing other wallet’s portfolio can be unlocked by either holding $60 worth of BNB-O1T in liquidity. This feature would allow users to easily check what other wallets (such as whales) are investing in and the liquidity adjusted value of each of their holdings.

Portfolio Short Term Roadmap

Soon after the initial release of the portfolio tracker, O1T will have an ongoing $10k portfolio giveaway/fundraiser. The home page of our portfolio tracker (when there is no wallet connected) will feature the giveaway wallet which displays all the tokens that have been donated to it (sorted by the dollar value of each token amount). We will encourage other token projects to partner with us and donate, and encourage their communities to donate any tokens they would like. When more than $200 worth of a token is donated to the $10k portfolio giveaway, we will shout them out on our telegram/discord and twitter. The highest valued amount of tokens donated will be displayed the most prominently on the page which acts as advertising for the token with the option to trade right next to their token name and logo.

Charity wallet fundraiser: Our $10K portfolio giveaway wallet will act as a prototype for our charity wallet fundraiser offering. O1T will partner with charity token projects by allowing them to display their charity wallet holdings as well as a progress meter of their current fundraising goals. We will have a drop down menu listing each charity token that we partner with on the website so people can explore and find various charities that they may want to follow, invest in or donate to. We will also encourage our partners to display a link to their charity wallet page on their website and social channels. By utilizing our advertising model which incentivizes other token projects to donate, we will create a new type of advertising network which will help O1T become known as the official aggregator of charity tokens.

Portfolio Long Term Roadmap

Throughout the next few months, we will be reviewing feedback and gathering community ideas for additional features to add to which the team will compile into a list and sort them out depending on difficulty level and importance. This feature list will be taken back to the community to vote on the order in which we will add each feature.

One feature which we plan to integrate in the near future is to include additional Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) to compare liquidity and automatically direct you to the exchange where you can sell for the best price. Not only will our portfolio tracker users have an easy access to trade on multiple exchanges from one platform, but also view their liquidity adjusted value at her best available rate in real-time.

How far we have come and where we will go

This project has evolved quite a bit since its conception and initial trading price. Thanks to our dedicated team and diamond handed community, we expect that it will continue to evolve and develop as we explore new ways to use BSC to enhance our trading experience. We have shared many memes, laughs, skeptics and copycats and it has been an incredible journey so far. We will see many obstacles and achievements as we continue to explore new ways to benefit the BSC community and as we do so, Only 1 Token will continue to leave its mark on history.


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