Usual USD (USD0)
$0.999364 (0.11
฿0.00001003 (-2.37
Market cap
$1 492 624 586
฿14 977.33
Volume (24h)
$106 235 361
฿1 065.95
1 493 578 101 (Max)
1 493 683 051 (Available)
Manage the events related to Usual USD
USD0 is a stablecoin fully backed 1:1 by Real-World Assets (RWA) like US Treasury Bills. It provides users with a stable, secure asset that is independent of traditional banking systems, fully transferable, and accessible within the DeFi ecosystem. As the core stability asset of Usual, USD0 supports transparency and security by maintaining real-time reserves, offering a non-fractional, reliable alternative to stablecoins like USDT and USDC.
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