Unicorn Fart Dust (UFD)

Unicorn Fart Dust (UFD)

$0.038947 (-13.40 %)
฿0.00000040 (-13.58 %)
Market cap
$39 293 219
Volume (24h)
$14 883 304
999 991 825 (Max)
999 991 825 (Available)

Manage the events related to Unicorn Fart Dust

It's a Meme Coin It's worthless? It is: Unicorn Fart Dust Prove me wrong! I am a 54 year old (almost) boomer, 1st time crypto buyer and started this Meme Coin in 3 hours. I will be covering this journey here on my YouTube channel I was taught that silver and gold are the only forms of real money, everything else is Unicorn Fart Dust. Until proven wrong (this happens often)...............................
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