Satoshi Airline (JET)
$1.16 (-4.27
฿0.00001200 (-6.34
Market cap
$125 739 774
฿1 302.55
Volume (24h)
$1 047 485
500 000 000 (Max)
108 109 489 (Available)
Manage the events related to Satoshi Airline
Users earn SAT tokens through the Satoshi Reward App’s Travel-to-Earn mining reward system. The system rewards Airplane NFT owners with SAT tokens when they reach their travel destination and have used the Satoshi Airline app. It is important to note that the SAT token amount users can receive will vary depending on their Airplane NFT Card level. Higher-level cards will give more SAT tokens while lower ones will have inferior rewards.
SAT Token: Governance Token
SAT tokens are used as the governance token in the ecosystem.
Users can utilize SAT tokens to participate in governance. These include deciding staking reward rates, possible voting features in the future, and more. *Users who have staked their tokens longer will acquire a higher SAT voting power.
SAT Token: Governance Token
SAT tokens are used as the governance token in the ecosystem.
Users can utilize SAT tokens to participate in governance. These include deciding staking reward rates, possible voting features in the future, and more. *Users who have staked their tokens longer will acquire a higher SAT voting power.
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