Heurist (HEU)
$0.141065 (47.54
฿0.00000146 (43.88
Market cap
$15 589 288
Volume (24h)
$2 411 787
1 000 000 000 (Max)
110 485 716 (Available)
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Heurist is a decentralized AI-as-a-Service cloud. Heurist aggregates compute resources from individual GPU owners and data centers to provide serverless AI services. Heurist's API-first infrastructure eliminates the need for developers to manage GPU machines, enabling cost-efficient, censorship-free AI integration with APIs. Heurist is building an AI application ecosystem powered by decentralized compute. The AI products include Heurist Imagine (AI image generator with NFT minting and create-to-earn rewards), Pondera (AI chatbot), and Heurist Search (AI-powered Search Engine)
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