$0.826123 (-9.66 %)
฿0.00000801 (-8.78 %)
Market cap
$1 259 570 027
฿12 180.43
Volume (24h)
$229 966 588
฿2 230.45
2 100 000 000 (Max)
1 516 885 789 (Available)

Events are managed by official representatives

Blockchain built and run by the EOS Community.

The EOSIO core development is now in the hands of the community:

About EOS Support:

https://EOSsupport.io is an organisation started by community members that serves as a concierge for providing user and technical support for customers who use the EOS Network.
EOS Support team offers new services such as coordination efforts for the Mandel consensus upgrade, knowledge base, technical support, and many more for the EOS network.
Source: EOS Network Foundation Quarterly Report Q1 2022:
Page 13: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sL42m5PO-N4BeZUvTa-5w3wU3TQnsp93/view
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